To save on your hotel reservation, you should try to book them in advance by comparing the best deals on various websites. One important thing that every traveler should know is that hotels in India have different GST rates depending on their tariff. The GST rate for hotels with a tariff between Rs 1,001 and RS 7,500 per night is 12% and the GST rate for hotels with a tariff equal to or above Rs 7,501 per night is 18%. So, you can create a great difference here. You can plan your stay opposite to what others do. Hotels in business hubs are cheaper during the weekends but resorts are reasonably priced during the weekdays. Everyone knows the reason behind this. If you follow this rule, it will help you crack the best deals on hotels. Booking hotels within a cancellation period can do wonders with hotel booking amount. The period is usually between 24 and 48 hours prior to the scheduled stay. Due to the last-minute cancellation of the hotel rooms, booking is available at a lower price. Although this is a little risky, but you might end up saving h class. This is the first item's accordion body.